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My name is Bradford Sadler. I am an Artist Educator with twelve years of teaching experience at five different Universities, nearly twenty years of performance and directing experience covering more than forty individual productions, who specializes in the Michael Chekhov Technique, and in creating intersectional opportunities for students that combine theoretical knowledge with practical skills.

Please view my electronic portfolio below:


  • Artistic Work
    Directing This link leads to examples of my directing work on my website, including photos. Additionally, here is a link to the virtual staged reading of Sir John Oldcastle that I directed for Actors’ Theatre of Columbus in July of 2020. I cast predominantly Theatre students from OWU in this production, along with a few students from Otterbein and The Ohio State as well, giving students at all of those institutions the opportunity to collaborate with a prominent member of the Columbus professional theatre community: Acting This link leads to examples of my Acting experience on my website, including a video of my latest performance in the Summer of 2019. Affiliation with Great Lakes Michael Chekhov Consortium I became a Certified Teacher of the Michael Chekhov Technique through the Great Lakes Michael Chekhov Consortium and Kent State University. I have continued to participate in the yearly conference, now located at the University of Mount Union. I have presented devised work in collaboration with Name of Bird Theatre Company from NYC at these conferences. This link leads to further descriptions of my association with GLMCC.
  • Creative Work
    Delaware, OH, Summer Shakespeare Festival This link leads to a description and pictures of the Delaware, OH, Summer Shakespeare Festival. This is the project that I would adapt into the OWU Department of Performing Arts’ Summer Global Theatre Initiative, as referenced in my cover letter. To do this, I would use my experience in creating and successfully executing this project, and collaborate to expand it with artists and scholars already in the OWU community, along with their many connections to guest artists from outside OWU. This would lead to a new, signature program for the Dept. of Performing Arts replete with many opportunities for students and possibilities for interdisciplinary work, especially with members of the Modern Foreign Language faculty. “The Honesty Project”​​ This link leads a page on my website with further information and a recorded performance of “The Honesty Project." “Twelfth Night, 2020” For the Spring 2021 production at Ohio Wesleyan University, I am in the process of creating a new adaptation of William Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night. Click above link for a PDF of the script. Adaptation is still evolving--script current as of 1/7/21. With this adaptation, I am reworking the circumstances and characters to emphasize and speak to the social issues that have become hugely important in 2020. These include LGBTQIA+ inclusivity and representation, and protesting. The production will also partner with community organizations to support the Black Lives Matter by inviting speakers to OWU’s campus and collecting donations for the support of the movement. I am also currently in the process of Directing the production. It will be presented outdoors on the campus of Ohio Wesleyan University in late April and early May of 2021.
  • Syllabi
    Click below for pdf of syllabi: ​ American Drama & Theatre - Ohio Wesleyan University - THEA 341, Spring 2021 ​ Introduction to Theatre – THEATRE 2100 – OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY, MARION – Autumn 2020 ​ Modern Drama & Theatre -THEA 371, Section 1 – OWU – Fall 2020 ​ Introduction to Theatre -- Ohio Wesleyan University -- THEA 101, Section 1, Fall 2020 ​ Beginning Acting - Ohio Wesleyan University - THEA 210, Section 1, Fall 2020 ​ The OWU Experience -- Ohio Wesleyan University -- UC 160- Section 2 ​ Western Drama to the Year 1700 - Ohio Wesleyan University - THEA 351/ENG 342 Spring 2019 Directing for the Stage (THEA 380) at OWU All OWU syllabi are the property of Ohio Wesleyan University; all OSU Marion syllabi are the property of The Ohio State University
  • Publications
    Click below for pdf of publication: ​ My Review of "Acting in the Academy: The History of Professional Actor Training in US Higher Education" by Peter Zazzali in the Texas Theatre Journal

© 2021 by Meghan Ginley

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